Stellarium - Una finestra sul cielo

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Messaggi: 20692
Iscritto il: 06/01/2008, 3:41
Grazie inviati: 878
Grazie ricevuti : 1860


E' disponibile la versione 0.10.2 definitiva! Numerose le nuove funzioni e molti i bug corretti:

[b]ChangeLog 0.10.1[/b]

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Added reset all config options button.
Added code for uncompressing gzip files (borrowed from from libkde)
Allowed for gzip compressed JSON files.
Fixed flip buttons bug.
Fixed min FPS feature.
Implemented screenshots inverted colors feature + associated GUI.
Re-coded grid display from scratch. It is now much faster and much more robust.
Refactored large part of the Navigator and Projector classes. Added a StelPainter class allowing many optimizations and simpler API.
Re-added telescope control key bindings.
Improved the doxygen developers documentation.
Added Simbad lookup to the search window.
Fixed ecliptic line rendering.
Fixed grid rendering bugs.
Added ZIP archive support with code copied from KDE SVN.
Fixed sun's magnitude bug.
Added automatic star catalog downloader to GUI. Star catalog settings are now defined in a config file.
Converted system-dependent star catalog memory mapping code to QFile::map().
Added log file for debugging output. Prepends system specs, such as memory and CPU information.
Imported KdeWin32 code for POSIX emulation on Windows.
Fixed build with Qt 4.5.
Fixed full screen problems at init.
Optimized VecXX contructors (no more default values).
Added translations for Albanian and Bosnian.
Fixed many bugs.

[b]ChangeLog 0.10.2[/b]

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Based on Qt 4.5.
Display constellations lines using nicely distorted arcs.
Fixed GUI problems when creating a new location.
Fixed the grid lines wrap around at the discontinuities in cylindrical and Mercator projection.
Hide the planet computation problems after year 80608.
Use the Qt raster engine by default. This fixes mac rendering bugs and speeds up greatly the GUI rendering.
Improved management of intersection of viewports with large FOV and projections with singularities.
Added Hammer-Aitoff projection allowing full sky overview.
Fixed various bugs.

Purtroppo ora sto con la Naviga 3 e non posso permettermi di scaricare quasi 41 MB di programma.
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Messaggi: 20692
Iscritto il: 06/01/2008, 3:41
Grazie inviati: 878
Grazie ricevuti : 1860


Ho installato e dato una prima occhiata alla nuova versione 0.10.2.

Prima di tutto non ho riscontrato i problemi di congelamento dei menu di cui parlavo sopra relativamente alla versione beta. Non posso dire con certezza da cosa dipendessero, dato che nel frattempo ho aggiornato anche alcune componenti del mio PC, fra cui sistema operativo e driver video. Ho comunque riscontrato un blocco mentre eseguivo uno script, che mi ha costretto a chiudere forzatamente il programma.

I menu, come già scritto, sono rispetto alla precedente versione stabile molto più belli esteticamente, anche se ci sono ancora alcune scritte non perfettamente inserite, che risultano parzialmente coperte dalle icone. Non ci ho fatto molto caso in passato ma mi sembra di notare che sono stati aggiunti molti scenari e punti di osservazione, impostabili in maniera indipendente. Questo fatto mi lascia un po' perplesso, perché se scelgo ad esempio la Luna come punto di vista non ha molto senso impostare un paesaggio diverso da quello lunare, a parte forse la visuale dell'oceano che può tornare utile per avere l'orizzonte libero.
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Messaggi: 20692
Iscritto il: 06/01/2008, 3:41
Grazie inviati: 878
Grazie ricevuti : 1860


Lo Sviluppo di Stellarium procede. Dal mio ultimo commento sono uscite due nuove versioni: siamo arrivati alla 0.10.4

ChangeLog 0.10.3

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Based on Qt 4.6.x
Bundling of plugins: Satellites, Oculars, AngleMeasure, CompassMarks, TelescopeControl, TextUserInterface.
New script engine improvements including variable script running speed, and a script console (activate with F12).
Made tabs in GUI smaller by moving titles under the icons.
Updated the plugin API to allow to compilation and easy distribution of static plugins.
Added plugins window.
Got rid of the boost library dependency.
The whole sky display viewport is now contained in a class deriving from QGraphicsWidget, allowing to move and resize it as a normal widget.
Generalized the use of shared pointers for StelObject management.
Use vertex shaders for computation of atmosphere color if OpenGL supports it.
Optimized openGL calls by replacing glBegin()/glEnd() by the use of vertexArray.
Optimization of critical parts of the projection code.
Added code for managing and displaying non-convex polygons + unit tests.
Recoded the StelGrid code to support non ponctual sky regions, and optimized API (new class StelSphericalIndex + unit tests)
Optimized many part of the code by reducing creation of temporary Vec3d/Vec3f.
Optimized JSON parser (x25 speed improvement) + unit tests.
Migrated all text drawing system to QFont. This fixes long standing bugs for displaying arabic and asian characters in the sky. Also allow to get rid of 6 source files and of the freetype dependency (managed internally to Qt)
Switch default back end mode to native for Windows as ATI drivers often have problems, still raster default for other platforms.  Add --graphics-system option.
Fixed magnitude computation for most of the planets.
Use GL Shader for stars rendering if OpenGL >= 2.1.
Re-organized the startup by moving log and command line processing to main.cpp.
Re-coded all the management of extra star catalogs.
Implemented partial support of OpenGLES 2.0.
Moved official plugins code into plugins/ and changed the cmake config so that they are automatically compiled in static.
Re-coded the texture engine based on Qt loading features (Got rid of explicit libjpeg and libpng dependencies!).
Allowed to first render the sky in a frame buffer.
Moved the code related to viewport distortions into a new class StelViewportEffect based on frame buffer object.
Added working cmake targets for compilig and runing unit tests.
Added a delay before making Simbad name lookup queries to avoid sending too many requests.
Added the Aztec sky culture.
Many minor fixes and optimizations.
ChangeLog 0.10.4

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Bug fix release.
Fixed unpredictable openGL related crashes on win32.
Fixed run on MacOSX Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard.
Disable OpenGL shaders by default for stars and atmosphere. User activate it by setting use_glshaders = true in the [main] section of the config.ini
Fixed the handling of the Qt -graphicssystem parameter. Now it is ignored if it is not used properly.
Improved OpenGLES2 support (not finished yet).
Added Qt widgets flags on the main windows to avoid filling background (this boosted the program a lot on linux).
Mi pare di poter capire che si tratta per la maggior parte di miglioramenti nel motore di rendering e di correzioni di bug. A breve proverò questa nuova versione.
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Messaggi: 20692
Iscritto il: 06/01/2008, 3:41
Grazie inviati: 878
Grazie ricevuti : 1860


La versione 0.10.4 mi dà questo strano problema: i caratteri delle scritte sono incomprensibili.



Allora ho provato la 0.10.3: le scritte si leggono ma appaiono leggermente sfuocate.

Versione 0.10.2


Versione 0.10.3


Cercherò di capire il motivo di questi malfunzionamenti. Appena ho novità vi aggiorno.
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Site Admin
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Messaggi: 20692
Iscritto il: 06/01/2008, 3:41
Grazie inviati: 878
Grazie ricevuti : 1860


Era da un po' che non mi cimentavo con Stellarium ed ecco due nuove versioni, la 0.10.5 e la 0.10.6. Per Windows ne esiste una terza, la, di cui non vengono fornite spiegazioni ma che evidentemente ripara qualche piccolo difetto scappato dalla precedente.

[b]ChangeLog 0.10.5[/b]

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The Stellarium team is very proud to anounce the release of stable version 0.10.5. This is an important bug fix release closing more than 30 bugs in the main application and in the plugins. It also brings small GUI useability improvements, as well as a much reduced starting time.
[b]ChangeLog 0.10.6[/b]

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Version 0.10.6 brings some interesting new features:
- New feature for installing landscapes from ZIP archives.
- New plugin: Solar System editor.
- New plugin: Time Zone manual override.
- Oculars plugin: customizable keyboard shortcuts.
- Satellites plugin: added new orbit prediction engine w/ orbits.
- Satellites plugin: can now update TLEs from a local file.
- Telescope control plugin: added manual equinox/epoch override.

There have also been a large number of bug fixes and some performance improvements.

New users will find that some plugins have been enabled by default. Computers where an older version of Stellarium has been run will contiunue with the old settings unless defaults are reset.
La prima a quanto pare corregge molti bug, la seconda introduce nuove funzionalità. Penso proprio che i problemi di cui accennavo sopra possano essere stati risolti, al momento non ho modo di verificare.