La canzone che mi passa per la testa

Canzoni preferite, generi, concerti e news dal mondo musicale
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Very Important Poster
Very Important Poster
Messaggi: 31357
Iscritto il: 06/01/2008, 14:53
Località: Prope Caput Mundi
Grazie inviati: 1


Altra canzone che sento spesso alla radio e di cui canticchio il ritornello è Cheerleader di Omi.
Testo della canzone Cheerleader
When I need motivation
My one solution is my queen
'cause she' stay strong yeah yeah
she is always in my corner
right there when I want her
all these other girls are tempting
but I'm empty when you're gone
and they say
do you need me
do you think I'm pretty
do I make you feel like cheating.
And I'm like no, not really 'cause

Oh I think that I found myself a cheerleader
she is always right there when I need her
oh I think that I found myself a cheerleader
she is always right there when I need her

She walks like a model
she grants my wishes like a genie in a bottle yeah yeah
'cause I'm the wizard of love

And I got the magic wand
all these other girls are tempting
but I'm empty when you're gone
and they say
do you need me
do you think I'm pretty
Do I make you feel like Cheating.
and I'm like no, not really cause'

Oh I think that I found myself a cheerleader
she is always right there when I need her
oh I think that I found myself a cheerleader
she is always right there when I need her

She gives me love and affection
baby did I mention, you're the only girl for me
no I don't need the next one
mama loves you too, she thinks I made the right selection
now all that's left to do
is just for me to pop the question

Oh I think I found myself a cheerleader
She is always right there when I need her
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Very Important Poster
Very Important Poster
Messaggi: 31357
Iscritto il: 06/01/2008, 14:53
Località: Prope Caput Mundi
Grazie inviati: 1


Durante le misure di confinamento (lockdown) per bloccare la malattia da coronavirus (COVID-19) alcuni video delle canzoni in uscita sono stati realizzati in casa, come quello della canzone che mi passa per la testa: Ridere dei Pinguini Tattici Nucleari.


Nelle settimane passate invece mi passava spesso per la testa la canzone Chega cantata da Gaia, il cui video non è dei migliori...
